eGPS Pin: Imagination
Opportunities do not exist in any objective sense. They are not “out there” for entrepreneurs to seize or to compete for. The role of the entrepreneur is to imagine a set of future conditions in which customers are more satisfied than today, and which the entrepreneur can organize for a profitable outcome. Imagination is the entrepreneur’s first resource.
197. Phil Johnson: Entrepreneurs Demonstrate A Special Emotional Intelligence
191. Allen Mendenhall: Putting Humanness and Ethics Back Into Business Economics
189. James Kent: Carving A Differentiated Growth Space In A Well-Established Market
188. Jordan Lams on Finding and Patiently Developing Your Entrepreneurial Focus
187. Per Bylund: The Austrian School Approach to Business versus the Business School Approach
179. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Valuation, Part 2: How Entrepreneurs Create Value
178. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Valuation, Part 1: Value Learning
176. Peter Lewin and Steven Phelan: How Do Entrepreneurs Calculate Economic Value Added? Subjectively.
175. Curt Carlson: Value Creation as a Life Skill
174. Sterling Hawkins: Discomfort Is Your Most Valuable Feedback Loop
173. Rene Rodriguez: Unleashing Voluntary Energy Via Influence
169. Jeff Arnold: A Passionate Entrepreneur Profitably Redesigns The Insurance Experience
161. Connie Whitman: Turning Experience Into An Intellectual Property Business
158. Mark Romera’s Globally Orchestrated Entrepreneurial Design Journey
156. Yousif Almoayyed: How Austrian Economics Helps Me Make Best Use of All My Business Knowledge
How Ideas Emerge And Flourish
By Bruce Koerber Entrepreneurs’ ideas are imagined and emergent. How do they become material? Through the entrepreneurial design process. Bruce Koerber depicts this process for…
155. Bart Vanderhaegen on Flow: Transcending Organizational Barriers to Progress
151. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Imagination: You Can’t Do Business Without It
150. Six Powerful Business Insights From Austrian Economics
145. Christopher Habig: How Understanding Subjective Value Will Revolutionize the Medical Care Industry
141. Bharat Kanodia: How Subjective Value Generates Valuation In Business
139. Fabrice Testa on Super Entrepreneurship
How Austrian Economics Made Bob Luddy Successful
Learn about Say’s Law, subjective value, comparative advantage, opportunity cost, and pricing. Learn about Say’s Law, subjective value, comparative advantage, opportunity cost, and pricing. Five…
134. Per Bylund: The Unrealized
133. Ulrich Möller: The Video Game Industry Points to the Future of Organization Design
Knowledge Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneurial Method. This unfolding timeline is an excellent example of the entrepreneurial method at work. Start with what you know Find motivation in what…
The Value of Things
Subjective value is key to understanding your customers’ wants and needs, and it’s a core principle of Austrian economics.
130. Eamonn Butler’s Primer on Entrepreneurship and Its Social Good
Entrepreneurship is the great force for social good — in fact, the greatest force for good in the history of civilization. It’s the system of…
Capitalism vs. Cronyism
Learn the definitions of capitalism and cronyism. Learn the definitions of capitalism and cronyism.
Jacqui Boland’s Entrepreneurial Journey
Go to the E4B website to calibrate your own eGPS. Jacqui’s is a general example you can follow. Go to the E4B website to calibrate…
How Economics Drives Entrepreneurship
Ask these five questions from the chart. Ask these five questions from the chart.
Reframing Entrepreneurship for New Audiences
Teach entrepreneurship through the lens of cultural icons like Seinfeld and learning about circumstances and culture of disadvantaged communities by using examples they can relate…
Entrepreneurship Research
Focus on facilitating value for customers instead of shareholders. Focus on facilitating value for customers instead of shareholders.
5 Austrian Principles
Read, learn about and apply these five Austrian principles. 1. Too much aggregation can obscure important data. 2. Gather as much feedback from your customers…
Entrepreneurial Journeys Start at the Family Dinner Table
Talk about entrepreneurship at the family dinner table to help spark inspiration. Find the right mentor who can help develop a young person’s skills and…
Entrepreneur’s self-examination for guidance as to what role to play in value generation, both individually and collaboratively.
Dissatisfaction is an unconscious contribution of the consumer or customer to the value generation system. It indicates a non-specific pointer towards the potential for new…
Imaginary Construct
The entrepreneur constructs an imaginary business model of consumers experiencing new value, willingness to pay, imputed revenue streams, and assembled resources to generate the valued…
Validation Research
The entrepreneur conducts some kind of external or 3rd party research as a first step in the validation process. The process might consist simply of…
Peer Evaluation
The entrepreneur considers the business cases of other entrepreneurs, either via direct contact / dialogue, or via secondary research.
Value Refinement
The entrepreneur utilizes the knowledge and learning accumulated to this point and critically examines the emerging value proposition and business model, with a view to…
Opportunities do not exist in any objective sense. They are not “out there” for entrepreneurs to seize or to compete for. The role of the…
126. Joe Matarese Defines a Whole New Level of Customer Value to Build a High Growth Service Firm
Entrepreneurship Brings Meaning and Purpose to Life
Focus on brainstorming ways to make meaningful contributions to your community. Focus on brainstorming ways to make meaningful contributions to your community.
The Role Of Imagination In Business
Types of Entrepreneurs
Think about the types of entrepreneur lifestyle that suits you. Think about the types of entrepreneur lifestyle that suits you.
Entrepreneurial Innovation in Seven Principles
Use for entrepreneurial innovation inspiration. Use for entrepreneurial innovation inspiration. The Inspiring Life And Beneficial Impact Of Entrepreneurs Tool Link
Actively seek the judgement of your entire business when it comes to making decisions that requires specific knowledge you may lack.
Needs Knowledge and Technical Knowledge
Think like a customer and a producer, then combine and compound your knowledge.
Contextual In-Depth Interview Method
When collecting qualitative information from customers and consumers, it’s important to locate the conversation in the relevant context without making it feel like an interview…
What Use Is Economic Theory In Business?
What use is economic theory in business? It’s indispensable. It’s the necessary starting point for all businesses, brands and projects. Only when you have mastered…
Entrepreneurship in Theory and in Practice
What theories are you applying in your business design? It’s important to have them clear in your mind. Begin with the assumptions that are inherent…
Path To Success
Work through Jason Whitlock’s 10-step process to review and refine your imaginary construct.
Use Entrepreneurial Intelligence To Refine Your Imaginary Construct.
Artificial Intelligence promises cognitive augmentation for business practitioners. Professor Steven Phelan’s research reveals that Entrepreneurial Intelligence is far more important and far more likely to influence…
Entrepreneurial Intelligence To Refine Your Imaginary Construct
There are refinement tools that are subjective and qualitative rather than digitally intelligent. Can you identify the spark of creativity in your imaginary construct? Can…
Austrian Economics As A Pathway To Entrepreneurial Leadership: Rick Rule’s Story.
Rick Rule is CEO at Sprott US Holdings. His lifetime focus on natural resources finance enabled him to carve a unique pathway to entrepreneurial success.…
Entrepreneurial Leadership via Austrian Economics
This is a life tool. Find your passions early: requires analytical thought about what you love. Discover new knowledge combinations in your passion space. For…
The Economics Of Creativity
There are many, many pathways of entrepreneurial opportunity in creative services, where it is eminently possible to succeed on talent, where big companies are eager…
A Path to a Better Life
Learn these principles then pass it on via practical business application in your community, and serving your friends and neighbors.
10 Fundamentals Of Economics On Which To Build A Successful Customer-First Business
Our proposition is that the fundamentals of economics – a special humanistic, individualistic, entrepreneurial economics we call Austrian – can be the building blocks of…
Empathy Techniques for Market Research
Conduct conversations with customers at least every week. Isabel includes conversations in the customers’ homes or offices, conversations in your offices, and face-to-face (including digital…
Economic Opportunities Don’t “Exist”. Entrepreneurs Create Them.
Economists have only a very misty view of entrepreneurship, even though it’s the force that drives economic growth. Not only can they not measure its…
The N-A-B-C
Curt Carlson is the world’s leading expert practitioner in innovation. He is the founder and CEO of Practice Of Innovation, LLC, and was President of…
Build a Global Business
Do your research to find a promising industry, find customer problems to solve, and create a value proposition. Do your research to find a promising…
Seeing the Business World More Clearly
Use this as a guide to help you build your entrepreneurial journey to success. Use this as a guide to help you build your entrepreneurial…
Entrepreneurial Journey
Imagination stage – develop awareness that the entreprenurial journey will not be predictable, and that taking action is the key to starting it and advancing…
The Entrepreneurial Ethic
Learn the entrepreneurial ethic then always ask what your customer will think of any action you take. Is it useful and valuable for them? Learn…
Who am I? What do I know? Who do I know? What are my resources? These are questions suggested to entrepreneurs by effectuation theory. It…
Personal self-assessment. Personal self-assessment.
The Entrepreneurial Individual’s Checklist
The entrepreneurial individual is the one best equipped to navigate a pathway through the changing world of work, revenue streams and economic opportunities. Follow these…
Self Assessment
Become a better entrepreneur by becoming more self-aware and taking these self assessments. Become a better entrepreneur by becoming more self-aware and taking these self-assessments.…
8 Traits Of Austrian Entrepreneurs
Use this self-assessment tool to determine if entrepreneurship is right for you. Use this self-assessment tool to determine if entrepreneurship is right for you.
Entrepreneurial Empathy
Use this interview process and apply empathy to help you improve your customer experience and ultimately your product.
Effectuation Process
A specialization discovery process to help you find your niche and increase your chances of higher profits and long-term success. A specialization discovery process to…
118. Per Bylund on the Importance of Good Theory for Good Business
Harness the Power of Technological Deflation
Aim for ten times improvement in customer experience, think boundaryless and combine technologies and ideas, and forecast the exponential. Aim for ten times improvement in…
115. Bart Jackson on How to Be CEO
10 Economic Principles for a Customer-First Business
Learn these Austrian principles in the Imagination stage. Learn these Austrian principles in the Imagination stage.
Entrepreneurial Leadership via Understanding Economics
Use this as inspiration for starting your entrepreneurial journey. Use this as inspiration for starting your entrepreneurial journey.
113. Jacqui Boland’s Entrepreneurial Journey on a Red Tricycle
Value Is A Process – the Essence Of Entrepreneurship.
How To Think Like A Successful Entrepreneur.
Successful entrepreneurs think about their business in value terms, and they recognize that they do not themselves determine the value of their offering — the…
107. Ivan Jankovic: The Special Understanding of Entrepreneurship by Americans of the Austrian School
Austrian economics has always been on the leading edge of innovative thinking applicable to business. Back in the last century, there was a group of…