The Subjective Value Cycle

Become more successful by putting your customer first and understanding subjective value. Become more successful by putting your customer first and understanding subjective value.

Value Analytics

Value is subjective and difficult to measure. However, there are analytics that can be monitored and productively analyzed.

Customer Experience Operations

Certain elements of operations contribute directly to the customer experience. A help desk is an example. Ensure that operations are designed from a customer experience…

Monitoring and Evaluation

Even though the firm can’t participate in the customer experience, much of the customer’s value learning cycle can be monitored and observed, and customers are…

Partners / Collaboration / Contracts

In the value network, the performance of partners is an integral part of your firm’s reputation. Productive collaboration generates customer value. Contracting, agreements and monitoring…

Preference Changes and Market Shifts

Purchases, subscriptions and exchange are indicators of declared preferences. These preferences can change, and tracking and trending should be in place for early warning. If…

Reputation and Trust

The subjective value experience includes the evaluation of firms and brands as reputable and trustworthy. It is possible to design processes and communications to earn…

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity cost is an essential tool for entrepreneurs to understand customer value and to make decisions between choices.

Growth via Core Customer Value Insights

1. Identify market drivers and customer problems to solve. 2. Identify specific core targets 3. Create solutions that address both functional and emotional needs. 4.…

Value Facilitation in Contract Negotiations

Follow these principles in addition to the checklist provided in the Downloadable Tool section. Business negotiations are searches for shared value. Divergent thinking is a…

10 Traits for Successful Entrepreneurs

Observe and compare yourself (or the business/entrepreneur you’re trying to partner with) to the guide we’ve provided. Do you have these traits? Observe and compare…

Customer Experience

The value that a business creates lies in the customer experience. When their experience meets or even exceeds their expectations in their Value Learning Cycle,…

Who Creates Value?

In the discussion on service-dominant logic and its consequences for value creation and marketing, the inner meaning of the value-in-use notion and th…

The Customer’s Value Learning Process

Be constantly observant and monitor what customers do, practice ethnography, use empathy and see their value experience from the customer’s viewpoint, and change the customer’s…

Principles and Mechanisms of Business Growth

Use empathic interviewing techniques, follow the value learning process map, and design a subjective value cycle system. Use empathic interviewing techniques, follow the value learning…

Agile and Austrian Economics

Use when reassessing or designing your business model. List the ways your business is using resources and time inefficiently. Use when reassessing or designing your…

Big Data vs. Big Ideas

When conducting research for your product or service and for gaining customer insights. For when conducting research for your product or service and for gaining…

Expectations Management

A thinking tool – think better about managing relationships, at whatever stage of business development relationship issues arise. Think better about managing relationships at whatever…

Harnessing Accounting

Remind yourself of the core Austrian Economics principles and apply it to accounting.

Opportunity Cost Calculator

How to make your product or service more valuable to customers by understanding their opportunity costs. How to make your product or service more valuable…

Entrepreneurial Communities

Become a trusted supplier of a highly desired service in your community and personalize each customer experience. Become a trusted supplier of a highly desired…

How To Make The Customer Your Boss.

Listen and use empathy to understand the problems customers are having. Interview your customers for feedback and send out surveys, also look at reviews for…

Voice Of The Customer

Set up a knowledge gathering process and collect all the customer knowledge into one shared repository, continually updated.

93. Ramon Ray’s Entrepreneurial Communities

“Small business” is just a government classification. Entrepreneurial businesses serving well-defined communities via creative specialization exhibit enormous economic productivity, energy and dynamism. Such businesses can…

46. 8 Austrian Actions for 2020

Entrepreneurship is action. It’s a process in which the actions of the entrepreneur are decisive. In the final podcast of 2019, we suggest 8 action steps you can…

22. Steven Phelan on Managing Expectations

Entrepreneurs operate in the future. They imagine a future where lives are improved because dissatisfactions are removed and there’s greater well-being to enjoy. Everyone can…