A Recipe For Entrepreneurial Success

Using the metaphor of a successful catering business built by Chris Wilton, use this checklist for a recipe for success for any entrepreneurial business.

The HP Way

Learn from these principles to design your organization for the digital age.

Bitcoin Software

This is what entrepreneurs can do to solve the medical care crisis: Eliminate employer-based insurance. Make a single exception for the case in which the…

The Subjective Value Cycle

Become more successful by putting your customer first and understanding subjective value. Become more successful by putting your customer first and understanding subjective value.

Value Network Partners

Consumers and customers interact not with single goods and services but with systems. The entrepreneur maps out the value generation system required to deliver the…

Sales and Marketing Design

Marketing strives for complete value alignment between the firm and the customer: identifying how the customer prefers to consume value, communicating to customers that a…

Selection of costs / P&L Design

Costs are not a given, they are a choice. Via research and imputation, entrepreneurs estimate customer willingness-to-pay, and choose the cost structure of their process…

Organization and Process Design

Organization is relational and includes both nodes (positions, departments) and the flows between them (processes, knowledge and information flows). For example, a rigid structure may…

Business Model Design

The business model encompasses 4 V’s: identifying value potential (which can be translated as a dollar revenue stream by imputation); identifying all the assembled resources…

Value Proposition Design

The entrepreneur formalizes the value proposition using a structured or templated format, precisely describing the target audience in attitudinal / needs terms, the nature of…

Organization Design

In addition to the downloadable tool, follow these guidelines: Design your organization for flow not structure. Design to attract the most entrepreneurial people in the…

Price Discovery

Price discovery is a fundamental tool – customers set prices and entrepreneurs discover those prices based on the willingness to pay.

The Value of Things

Subjective value is key to understanding your customers’ wants and needs, and it’s a core principle of Austrian economics.

The Entrepreneurial Method

Use the following principles in conjunction with the downloadable tool. The Bird-In-The-Hand Principle: work with what you’ve got and can control, which she sums up…

Private vs. Public Venture Capital

Avoid accepting government funding of any sort and learn the key differences between private versus public VC. Avoid accepting government funding of any sort, and…

Designing New Consumer Experiences

1. Liquefy information: A physical object’s information can be sent across space and time. When several information flows are combined for greater information density (e.g.,…

The Emergent Business Strategy

When entrepreneurs bring their product or service to the market, the emergent strategy process should be followed: 1. Use empathic listening skills to determine what…

Relational Contracting

Know the differences between the different types of contracts and then run an audit of your firm. Know the differences between the different types of…

Austrian Business Principles

1. Focus on real people and their emotions, motivations, interactions, decisions, instead of relying on math, models, and predictions. 2. Embrace dynamism and uncertainty; the…

Capital Structure and Capital Flexibility

Entrepreneurs designing a firm’s capital structure should view their choices through the twin lenses of ownership and control. Debt and equity are the basic choices…

Value Facilitation in Contract Negotiations

Follow these principles in addition to the checklist provided in the Downloadable Tool section. Business negotiations are searches for shared value. Divergent thinking is a…

Interventionism is Bad for Business

Read through the graphic and reviewnit often whenever faced with a decision regarding accepting government support. Read through the graphic and review it often whenever…

5 Austrian Principles

Read, learn about and apply these five Austrian principles. 1. Too much aggregation can obscure important data. 2. Gather as much feedback from your customers…

Capital and Applying it to Your Business

Focus on the value facilitating from consumers who generate capital flow, measure flows in dollars, be a master appraiser and know your asset productivity, set…

Design & Assembly

The entrepreneur proceeds to design all components of the consumer experience (following the precepts of the Value Learning Cycle) and all components of the system…

Austrian Business Model

Understand and define subjective value, facilitate value for specific customers, exchanging value with customers in the market, and keep up with value agility – refining…

Ecosystem-Based Strategy

First shift your focus from the firm to the business ecosystem. Second, observe the ecosystem as a network that is constantly creating and changing values.…


Actively seek the judgement of your entire business when it comes to making decisions that requires specific knowledge you may lack.

Process-Based Skills of Negotiation

Apply these Austrian principles; individualism, empathy, and entrepreneurial mindset. Understand value and communicate it clearly, establish a negotiation culture, practice, and be friendly and approachable.

Build a Successful Business

Aim to please, offer new and better products that can’t be found elsewhere, build on your strengths, and maximize value not output.

Shift Customer Behavior in Your Favor

Gather customer insights to understand their motivations, values, and attitudes. Identify your core target, organize your data into a visual or composite profile, use the…

Entrepreneurial Flywheel

Find intrepid finance from financiers who are strong supporters of your vision, this includes friends and family. However, avoid banks because they are only interested…


Take time off to self-assess strengths and areas of improvement, identify your skills, constantly improve and refresh certifications, and find a business partner with a…