Designing New Consumer Experiences

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New consumer experiences can be created in the era of the Internet of Things via understanding the Austrian principle of subjective value, specifically the value-as-experience insight. Consumers decide what is valuable to them through the process of choosing, consuming, and evaluating. Here are some key ways to design experiences.

Problem To Solve: How to begin designing experiences for consumers.

How To Use This Tool

1. Liquefy information: A physical object’s information can be sent across space and time. When several information flows are combined for greater information density (e.g., from multiple objects in a kitchen used during cooking) we have more knowledge on which to base an experience design. 2. Turn objects digital: Software and sensors embedded in an object give that object new capability. For example, a running jacket can communicate location and speed, measure temperature and heart rate, and provide programmability. 3. Assemble individual objects into a service system: Objects and devices connected and working together exhibit abilities that they don’t have individually. A door lock plus a camera plus a tablet plus the internet can perform as a remotely monitored security system. 4. Enable transactions between separate task spaces: A task network (such as cooking in a kitchen) can be linked to another task network (e.g., grocery shopping) and a transaction between the two enabled (deliver fill-up ingredients when inventory runs low).