A Recipe For Entrepreneurial Success

Using the metaphor of a successful catering business built by Chris Wilton, use this checklist for a recipe for success for any entrepreneurial business.

Bitcoin Software

This is what entrepreneurs can do to solve the medical care crisis: Eliminate employer-based insurance. Make a single exception for the case in which the…

Business Model Design

The business model encompasses 4 V’s: identifying value potential (which can be translated as a dollar revenue stream by imputation); identifying all the assembled resources…

The Emergent Business Strategy

When entrepreneurs bring their product or service to the market, the emergent strategy process should be followed: 1. Use empathic listening skills to determine what…

Austrian Business Principles

1. Focus on real people and their emotions, motivations, interactions, decisions, instead of relying on math, models, and predictions. 2. Embrace dynamism and uncertainty; the…

5 Austrian Principles

Read, learn about and apply these five Austrian principles. 1. Too much aggregation can obscure important data. 2. Gather as much feedback from your customers…

Austrian Business Model

Understand and define subjective value, facilitate value for specific customers, exchanging value with customers in the market, and keep up with value agility – refining…

Ecosystem-Based Strategy

First shift your focus from the firm to the business ecosystem. Second, observe the ecosystem as a network that is constantly creating and changing values.…

Lean Business Canvas

Succeed in a competitive environment using the VRIO Method and the Lean Startup Canvas. Succeed in a competitive environment using the VRIO Method and the…

Alertness, Discovery, and Capabilities

How to start, grow, and manage a business using alertness, discovery, and capabilities-based strategy. How to start, grow, and manage a business using alertness, discovery,…

Consumer Value vs Shareholder Value

Compare and contrast your current business with this chart. Do you find your firm to be stagnant and slow growth? Or dynamic and open to…

Harness the Power of Technological Deflation

Aim for ten times improvement in customer experience, think boundaryless and combine technologies and ideas, and forecast the exponential. Aim for ten times improvement in…

34. Peter Klein on Pricing

Pricing is fundamental to business success - to generating transactions, to cash flow and to profitable operations. There’s a lot of uncertainty for…

1. Peter Klein on Means and Ends

There are some economic principles that can help entrepreneurs in their business-building endeavors. One is the understanding of ends and means. What ends (goals, objectives)…