Value Proposition Design

The entrepreneur formalizes the value proposition using a structured or templated format, precisely describing the target audience in attitudinal / needs terms, the nature of…

The Value of Things

Subjective value is key to understanding your customers’ wants and needs, and it’s a core principle of Austrian economics.

The Entrepreneurial Method

Use the following principles in conjunction with the downloadable tool. The Bird-In-The-Hand Principle: work with what you’ve got and can control, which she sums up…

Designing New Consumer Experiences

1. Liquefy information: A physical object’s information can be sent across space and time. When several information flows are combined for greater information density (e.g.,…

Shift Customer Behavior in Your Favor

Gather customer insights to understand their motivations, values, and attitudes. Identify your core target, organize your data into a visual or composite profile, use the…

Rokeach Value System

A classification of values to help you populate the means-end chain. A classification of values to help you populate the means-end chain.

Empathy As A Process

Do a deep dive and learn about a specific customer or core target. Use your empathic imagination. Run through a mental model of your own…