eGPS Pin: Dissatisfaction
Dissatisfaction is the entrepreneur’s universal, inexhaustible raw material for fueling innovation, marketing, and growth. Customers can’t articulate what innovation they want, or predict the future, but they can articulate what it is that makes them feel dissatisfied, often in phrases like “It would be better if….”
187. Per Bylund: The Austrian School Approach to Business versus the Business School Approach
179. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Valuation, Part 2: How Entrepreneurs Create Value
178. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Valuation, Part 1: Value Learning
175. Curt Carlson: Value Creation as a Life Skill
174. Sterling Hawkins: Discomfort Is Your Most Valuable Feedback Loop
158. Mark Romera’s Globally Orchestrated Entrepreneurial Design Journey
151. Mark Packard On Entrepreneurial Imagination: You Can’t Do Business Without It
145. Christopher Habig: How Understanding Subjective Value Will Revolutionize the Medical Care Industry
134. Per Bylund: The Unrealized
Dissatisfaction is an unconscious contribution of the consumer or customer to the value generation system. It indicates a non-specific pointer towards the potential for new…
126. Joe Matarese Defines a Whole New Level of Customer Value to Build a High Growth Service Firm
Entrepreneurial Innovation in Seven Principles
Use for entrepreneurial innovation inspiration. Use for entrepreneurial innovation inspiration. The Inspiring Life And Beneficial Impact Of Entrepreneurs Tool Link
Entrepreneurial Empathy
Use this interview process and apply empathy to help you improve your customer experience and ultimately your product.
106. Mauricio Miller: Entrepreneurship as the Path Upwards From Anywhere, for Anyone
98. Mark Packard’s Empathic Mental Model for Predicting Future Customer Value
Empathy, properly employed, is a robust business tool that smart entrepreneurs use to design winning value propositions. Download The Episode Resource Empathy As A Process…
74. Raushan Gross on The Inspiring Life and Beneficial Impact of Entrepreneurs
35. Chris Wilton’s Recipe for Success
10. Ed Pletner Applies Alertness, Discovery, and Capabilities-Based Strategy to Start, Manage, and Grow His Firm
Ed Pletner talks with Hunter Hastings about applying these economic concepts to start, grow, and manage a thriving and highly differentiated business. Show Notes Entrepreneurial…
5. Peter Klein on Empathy for Entrepreneurs
Today we talked with Peter Klein about empathy – a critical tool in the entrepreneur’s toolbox. It’s through empathy that entrepreneurs can get into the…