Private vs. Public Venture Capital

Avoid accepting government funding of any sort and learn the key differences between private versus public VC. Avoid accepting government funding of any sort, and…

Capital Structure and Capital Flexibility

Entrepreneurs designing a firm’s capital structure should view their choices through the twin lenses of ownership and control. Debt and equity are the basic choices…

Interventionism is Bad for Business

Read through the graphic and reviewnit often whenever faced with a decision regarding accepting government support. Read through the graphic and review it often whenever…

Capital and Applying it to Your Business

Focus on the value facilitating from consumers who generate capital flow, measure flows in dollars, be a master appraiser and know your asset productivity, set…

Entrepreneurial Flywheel

Find intrepid finance from financiers who are strong supporters of your vision, this includes friends and family. However, avoid banks because they are only interested…

Identifying Potential

Observe patterns in potential employees and look for the qualities that align with your company culture. Observe patterns in potential employees and look for the…

Austrian Capital Theory

Reorganize your business structure by applying Austrian Capital Theory in a modern and cutting edge manner. Reorganize your business structure by applying Austrian Capital Theory…